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Our Services


Pregnancy is one of the most exciting and challenging times in a woman’s life. Northside Women’s Health provides compassionate care from conception to delivery.


Northside Women’s Health provides a full range of gynecological services to women in all phases of life: from adolescence to menopausal health, and all stages in between.


Our providers offer consultations to help patients manage the many symptoms of menopause. Northside Women’s Health can help make this transition more manageable.


We’re proud members of Privia Women’s Health where we give caring for women the prominence it deserves. We take a thoroughly modern and holistic approach to women’s health. We know what women, and their bodies, have to go through and we make sure every woman gets the individual care she needs. Privia Women’s Health makes it easy for you to make your health a priority. We provide some of the latest advances in medicine, including innovative technologies, personalized care and a patient-centered approach to make sure every woman receives the individual care she needs. Your health is your journey and no matter where you are, we’re here to help.


  • The WISDOM Study is looking for volunteers to help find the safest and most effective way to detect breast cancer.

  • As part of the study, you will be mailed a FREE genetic testing kit that evaluates your risk for breast cancer. Based on your results, you will receive screening recommendations on when to start and how often to have mammograms.

  • The study compares two approved screening approaches:

    • annual mammograms for all women, starting at the age of 40

    • personalized approach to breast screening that is based on a woman’s individual risk factors for breast cancer, like her breast density, genes, and family health history.

  • You qualify to participate if you: identify as female, are between the ages of 30-74, live in the United States, and have NOT had breast cancer.

  • We are currently only accepting new pregnant patients at this time. Please call the office for any questions.

  • Call (614) 865-7600

    Please be prepared to provide the following information:

    1. Patient’s full name with spelling

    2. Date of birth

    3. Telephone number

    4. Email address if available

    5. Reason for visit

    6. Which doctor you are scheduling with

    7. Preferred appt date and time

    8. Any disabilities you have, so that we may best accommodate you

    Dr. Arbona sees patients in the office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

    Dr. Chan sees patients in the office on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

    Dr. Bender sees patients in the office on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

    Stephanie sees patients in the office on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

  • If you have any questions or non-urgent concerns, please email us at dflohr@ihainc.org.

    If you have an emergency and need to speak to a doctor after hours, please call the main office phone number: (614) 865-7600. Please select the option to speak to a physician, and you should be routed to the message center for the physician on call. Please leave your full name, telephone number and message.

  • During business hours, one of our doctors will be present for your delivery. After hours, we sometimes share call with other physicians. There is a possibility that someone you have not yet met may deliver your baby. Any physician covering for us has similar practice patterns and we feel confident in their abilities and care of our patients.

  • If you are in need of a prescription refill, please call our office at (614) 865-7600, and you may follow the voice prompts to leave a message on our nurse line. If authorized, the prescription refills will be filled within 24 hours. Please be prepared to provide the following required information:

    1. Pharmacy telephone number
    2. Your telephone number
    3. Your date of birth
    4. Your first and last name
    5. Allergies to any medications
    6. The medication you wish to refill, the dosage, and any medication instructions.